Week 6 – Camp S’more
Join the crew for s’more faith, s’more fun, and s’more friends…in other words, give me s’more Jumonville (please!)! Celebrate National Avoid Boredom, Ice Cream, Picnic, Hot Dog, and Watermelon Month (now that’s s’more celebrations!), take a night hike, cook up a S’mores feast or two (or other campfire treats) and try your hand at solar cooking. Experience your favorite Jville activities plus a few new…
Read MoreWeek 5 – Camp Outrageous
Outrageous campers enjoy two times the Outrageous fun packed into an Outrageous week at Jumonville! What is Outrageous? Well, the dictionary says a: exceeding the limits of what is usual; or b: fantastic. In other words, HUGE fun! Experience the Outrageous love of God while making new friends and enjoying the BOJ (Best Of Jumonville). Choose your favorite activities like sports, drama, arts & crafts, swim,…
Read MoreSenior High Challenge
Senior High Challenge Join us for our most advanced adventure program of the summer! Led by experienced and passionate climbers, the week combines rock climbing, white water rafting, and more! The highlight of the week is our climbing trip to Seneca Rocks, WV! Previous climbing experience is preferred but not required. Space is limited so sign…
Read MoreCAT Camp Autism
C.A.T. Autism is a short-term “respite community” within the Creative Arts (C.A.T.) Camp family that caters to families with children who live with autism or individuals who live with mid to high functioning autism. The camp seeks full-inclusion through the use of a “buddy system” to help campers with autism experience time for worship, rest, and…
Read MoreCAT Camp
Ignite Your Imagination! Discover your artistic passions and connect with a community of like-minded Christians at Creative Arts and Talents (C.A.T.) Camp. Choose from leathercraft, painting, wood burning, drawing, and more! Not an aspiring artist? We also have the Art of Adventure track that allows campers to explore the mountain and experience the adventure center…
Read MoreDiscovery Camp
Discovery Camp A fun week designed for persons with cognitive disabilities without emotional problems. Program will include many exciting activities: Bible study, music & singing, crafts, swimming, games, hiking, campfires, and sports. Campers must be self-sufficient, fairly mobile, and non-combative. The staff camper ratio is 2:1. This event is scheduled to stay in Washington Lodge.
Read MoreWeek 4 – Party in the USA
Be a part of Jville’s celebration of America’s birthday during Party in the USA! There will be incredible Arts & Crafts, All-American wiffle ball and cornhole tournaments, WHAT? (Weird American Trivia), plus all of our awesome camp activities like swimming, sports, high and low ropes, wacky games, and more. Enjoy HUGE camp-wide events the likes of…
Read MoreJAC Camp
Jesus Adventure Camp (JAC) is a summer program for teens to encounter the love, power, and presence of God and learn to live the daily Jesus adventure. 2025 will be the 24th year of JAC, and over the years, we have seen thousands of students lives be changed and impacted for eternity. We are again…
Read MoreJAM Camp
Jesus Adventure & Me Camp Come to Jumonville for a week JAM-packed with adventures and activities adapted especially for youth and adults (age 14-99) with disabilities. We will be experiencing God’s grace and God’s gifts to us by participating in activities that will include a 7 mile guided rafting trip down the Yough River, hiking, cookouts, games,…
Read MoreWeek 2 – Adventure Is Out There
Step into the out-of-doors and out of your comfort zone. Sure, you’ll King Swing, go rafting or climb a rock wall, but more importantly you’ll explore your adventurous side during this week of discovery, teamwork, and personal growth! Experience God’s creation up close and personal while experiencing God’s love and friendship. Back at Jville, discover all new…
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