Tracy Chapman
Tracy currently lives in Orange, VA and is a fourth grade teacher. She is involved in her home church of Culpeper United Methodist Church where she helps with AV and Live Stream on Sundays. She loves hanging out and spending time with her small group, “L.O.L.” (Live Out Loud). Tracy loves escaping to Jumonville any chance she gets to spend time on the mountain and catch up with her Pennsylvania friends. Tracy’s love for Jesus and her experience working with children will have a significant impact on the campers she will be working with this summer. At camp Tracy enjoys going on the King Swing, throwing Tomahawks, and hiking down to Green Cathedral. She can’t wait to experience these and many more things with her campers this summer! Through God’s grace Tracy will not only bless her campers but also enrich her own journey while on the mountaintop. She is looking forward to sharing in The Word and teaching campers how loved there are by God.