Greg Leavitt
Greg was born a long time ago (roughly 30 years) in a galaxy far far away (Upper Saint Claire Hospital). since then a lot has happened. He’s broken both his feet (one at a time, on separate occasions). He spent his childhood in the farm lands of southwestern Pennsylvania where his family grew the most sought after crop of the modern age, The Christmas Tree, or as some like to call it the crop of the future!
Later in Greg’s youth he spent much of his time growing Christmas trees in the farm lands of southwestern Pennsylvania. he also learned about what Pele calls the Beautiful game and to this day will gladly explain why Real Madrid F.C. is the greatest club ever, and how it’s only a matter of time before they are once again rolling over Barcelona in the super-classico Often times he will look up at the stars and wonder “why haven’t they invented hover boards yet” like in “Back To The Future 2”? Honestly didn’t you want one of those when you saw that movie? During High school Greg became involved in the theater and went to a camp that was going to do Godspell In a week.
And did they ever! Ever since Greg has spent absurd amounts of time working playing at that camp Greg went to college at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania majoring in Fine arts and Crafts, with a concentration in Jewelery/Metalsmithing (no I can’t Hook you up, you gots to pay like every one else) and Minoring in Theater. Greg has had the pleasure of playing many roles but still hope to one day play Othello.