Pam Farrell
Jumonville has been a part of Pam’s life for as long as she can remember. Pam remembers walking down to Green Cathedral and looking at all the tadpoles when she was very little. Her Mom would always pile the car full of kids and walk up to the cross with them and tell them the story of how it was built from pennies. (She always thought it really was made out of pennies!) Pam’s family have been Family Week-ers for 19 years. She has been a volunteer counselor with 3 C’s camp for a long time. Pam is married to Wick, and has 2 daughters, Jocie and Marissa. Jocie was on program staff during the summer of 2010 and 2011!! (Wick and Pam were married at Green Cathedral in 1985) Pam lives in Charleroi. Jumonville is a major part of Pam’s life. She has met so many wonderful mentors and friends and is now grateful to have a chance to “pay it forward”.