Russ & Chey Crane

Russ and Chey Love Jesus and His word. They are so grateful for the opportunity to share Christ’s love with kids. It is an exciting challenge to teach children the Bible in creative and fun ways all through the camp day and week. Last year they placed a challenge for the campers to learn to preach the gospel to others in order to win a t-shirt that says, “Who is Jesus?.” All the campers were successful!

They have been married for 14 years and have 3 children ages 6, 8 and 10. Chey has homeschooled them for 6 years.

Russ attended IUP University for Elementary Education and has been a youth leader and deacon at his local church for over 10 years. He owns a masonry and construction business and is an avid outdoorsman. He keeps bees, taps trees for maple syrup and is a master gardener. As the kids hike through the woods they will be taught the wonders of God’s creation!! Russ also enjoys coaching soccer and plays a number of sports.

Chey has a masters degree in mental health counseling and marriage and family. She has worked with children in a number of settings including clinical, church and camps. She also is a youth leader at her church and loves to teach art at her local homeschool co-op. She has coached and played soccer for years and loves sports, health and overall wellness. They believe the children at camp are like their own and love the family unit and bond that happens during the week. All three of their children will attend camp with them.
