Shawn Beatty
Shawn Beatty has Jumonville blood running deep in his veins. Growing up as staff offspring and an unofficial camp mascot, Shawn has mastered numerous camp skills, but don’t take our word for it. Ask him about the best stance for four-square, the perfect salt to ice ratio and cranking tempo for homemade ice-cream, how to complete ropes course elements deaf, blind and mute, or how to shoot (S-VHS) video of campers while mid-rappel.
Shawn and his wife Maggie met in college and live in a suburb outside of Cleveland. They have been living their epic love story for 11 years and have 3 children, Ella (9), Max (6), Claire (4). Shawn is a graphic designer and website developer. With Shawn’s history with Jumonville, he is super excited to share his energy and love of God with anyone lucky enough to choose to attend his camp this week 🙂