Tim Goodman
Tim is 30 yrs. old. In 1994, he and his family were baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Through justification God has graciously ushered Tim into a life of discipleship and love as a son in Christ. In 2004, the Lord called him into ordained ministry and for the past six years he has been seeking and struggling to walk out this call. For three summers (2007, 2008, 2009), he ministered with and to the children in HOPE Camp at Jumonville. Through this ministry the Lord taught him a greater depth of God’s love and what it means to serve others for the sake of Jesus. He is looking forward to being at Jumonville and ministering with and to campers again.
Tim graduated from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and married Melissa Shaughnessy in June 2011. He is seeking ordination as an elder in the UMC. God has expanded his life of discipleship in blessing him with a relationship to Melissa, the most constant relationship through which they both practice love, forgiveness, repentance, and gratitude. Currently, God is inviting and teaching him to rest in the confidence of His love and to accept the peace of God that is able to guard his heart and mind in Jesus.