Summer Camp at Jumonville
Jumonville summer camp is a fun, friendly, faith-building sleep-a-way program for all ages.
Located about 50 miles south of Pittsburgh, Jumonville hosts 3-6 day programs for ages 6-18.

Check In
Sundays from 3:00 - 4:30 PM in the dining hall with the exception of Discovery and JAM (Jesus Adventure & Me)
Cabin assignments will be given at this time, as well as information on how to send camper mail and emails, and also a link to view the daily photos.
Check Out
April 11-13
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Ready to take the next step in your leadership journey? CIT Weekend at Jumonville is designed for future camp leaders like you! Whether you’re looking to grow in confidence, build new skills, or deepen your faith, this weekend is all about equipping you to be an awesome Counselor in Training.
You’ll connect with other young leaders, dive into hands-on workshops, and gain practical experience to prepare for a summer of impact. Plus, with cozy accommodations, great food, and the beautiful outdoors, it’s the perfect setting to learn, grow, and have fun.
If you’re ready to make a difference and take on a leadership role at camp, CIT Weekend is for you. We can’t wait to see you there!
Week 1 | June 8-13
5...4...3...2...Ready for Summer? You better be 'cause it's time to launch yourself into Summer 2025 with our all new Jumonville camp programs and there's no better way to start than with Launch Week: Summer Passport. Pack your Aloha shirt, sunscreen, and shades for a week of fun in the sun as you welcome summer back to western PA and all of our incredible Jumonville activities like swimming, archery, crafts, wacky games, and campfires. Star in a skit, help lead worship, try a new science experiment, or perfect your cannonball!
Get ready to enjoy HUGE camp-wide events the likes of which you've never experienced - special events like an incredible Summer BOP (Blast Off Party), Jville's Amazing Race, and a new twist on an old favorite, Capture the Flags (did you notice the "S"?)! We're celebrating 84 years of life-changing ministry helping youth and teens grow closer to God with new energy, new programs, and new experiences - What are you waiting for? Get ready to blast off into Jville's 84th summer!
Formerly Adventure Crago I, Senior High Adventure, Middle School Adventure
Week 2 | June 15-20
Game on, Jumonville Warriors! Think of this session as Reality TV meets Color Games meets Wacky Jville Olympics. The Red, Green, Blue, and Orange Teams will compete for bragging rights for the year. Love sports like soccer, basketball, or flag football? Then this is the session for you. Like our crazy camp games like GaGa, 9 Square, or AhKaSo? Then you won't want to miss this! Enjoy puzzle-solving, code-deciphering, and all-around general wackiness? Then bring your best thinking cap and superhero cape to help your team win the day. Challenge yourself to grow closer to God and fellowship with teammates who want to do the same.
Formerly Elementary Sports, Middle School Sports, Senior High Sports
Adventure is Out There!
Step into the out-of-doors and out of your comfort zone. Sure, you'll King Swing, go rafting or climb a rock wall, but more importantly you'll explore your adventurous side during this week of discovery, teamwork, and personal growth! Experience God's creation up close and personal while experiencing God's love and friendship. Back at Jville, discover all new camp- wide events (by joining with The Great Jville Challenge) for a Splish Splash Sports Bash, The Great Rubber Chicken Relay, and a new twist on an old favorite, 4-Way Capture the Flag!
Get ready to enjoy HUGE camp-wide events (by joining with Adventure is Out There!) the likes of which you've never experienced - special events like a new twist on an old favorite, 4-Way Capture the Flag, a Splish Splash Sports Bash, and The Great Rubber Chicken Relay. Are you ready for the challenge?
Formerly Adventure Pracht, Elementary Adventure
Week 3 | June 24-28
Week 4 | June 29 - July 4
Be a part of Jville's celebration of America's birthday during Party in the USA! There will be incredible Arts & Crafts, All-American wiffle ball and cornhole tournaments, WHAT? (Weird American Trivia), plus all of our awesome camp activities like swim, sports, high and low ropes, wacky games, and more. Enjoy HUGE camp-wide events the likes of which you've never experienced including Jumonville Field Day with traditional sack races and teamwork events, a super Red, White, & Blue Captain America Adventure, and a new twist on an old favorite, Capture the Flags (did you notice that "S"?)! Get ready to CELEBRATE Jville-style!
Formerly Adventure Crago II, Adventure Leggett, Elementary Adventure, Rock the Mountain Music Camp, Middle School Sampler, Elementary Sampler, Ultimate Games
Week 5 | July 6-11
Outrageous campers enjoy two times the Outrageous fun packed into an Outrageous week at Jumonville! What is Outrageous? Well, the dictionary says a: exceeding the limits of what is usual; or b: fantastic. In other words, HUGE fun! Experience the Outrageous love of God while making new friends and enjoying the BOJ (Best Of Jumonville).
Choose your favorite activities like sports, drama, arts & crafts, swim, ropes course, etc., and write your own schedule plus experience special events like Ice Cream for Breakfast, Ga-gi-yot (bring your dark clothes and face paint), or Mission Implausible (Capture the Flag like you've never played it before!). How about a late night with a sleep-in the next morning? Try an incredible Outrageous-only activity like Extreme Rock, Paper, Scissors, Chicken Catch-a-tori, or Clothespin Samurai! See you there! Please do not attempt this at home, we're professionals. We're serious!
Formerly Middle School Adventure
Week 6 | July 13-18
Ends on Friday after Breakfast
Join the crew for s'more faith, s'more fun, and s'more other words, give me s'more Jumonville (please!)! Celebrate National Avoid Boredom, Ice Cream, Picnic, Hot Dog, and Watermelon Month (now that's s'more celebrations!), take a night hike, cook up a S'mores feast or two (or other campfire treats) and try your hand at solar cooking.
Experience your favorite Jville activities plus a few new ones. Special events include the Marshmallow Olympics, the Great Jumonville Scavenger Hunt & Relay (now there's a mash-up for sure), and a new twist on an old favorite, Glow-in-the-Dark Capture the Flag. If you want s'more Jville fun, this is the program for you!
Formerly Pokemon Go Jr, Mega Adventure, Elementary Adventure, X-Treme Sports, Astronomy, Legos, & Rockets
Week 7 | July 19-26
Week 8 | July 27-30
Summer Camp Activities
Bible Study
Disc Golf
Low Ropes
Families of faith want their kids to have fun and memorable camp experiences. Jumonville is the place for you!

From a Camper
Out of all my years at camp, this had to be the best camping experience… God is my number one and I think that I grow closer and closer to him everyday thanks to Jumonville…

From a Counselor in Training
I love Jumonville. There is just something about it that is indescribable and beautiful. And working with the kids this year as a CIT was great. I learned so much.

From a Parent
I love the one-on-one time with my child, without the distractions of phones, TV, internet, and household chores.