Bishop’s Cabins
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][soliloquy id=”2827″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][text_output] Bishops Cabins Luccock, Simpson, Smith, and Thoburn are the names of our four Bishop’s Cabins. Each of the T- shaped cabins contain a small lounge (with small refrigerator) and have 3 bathrooms and 3 carpeted bedrooms. The two side bedrooms have a single bed and 4 loft beds and the back bedroom…
Read MoreThe Inn at Jumonville
Ideal for couples retreats, senior citizen events, family reunions, marriage enrichment retreats, staff meetings, church planning retreats, adult conferences, Sunday School retreats & other events that lend themselves to a more comfortable and private setting Flexible accommodations can be provided to meet the unique needs of your special event. Sleeping accommodations: 20-40
Read MoreHickory Cabin
A central meeting area with 2 bedrooms and bathrooms on two sides is the layout of this cabin. Fully carpeted throughout and remodeled in the spring of 1998 the cabin also features a kitchen area that can be used for light cooking or snacks. Each bedroom has 5 single lower beds and 4 upper loft…
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This cabin is similar in layout to Hickory, but is a little larger. Also fully carpeted, Pine cabin’s bedrooms hold 12 on each side in 6 bunks. Pine has a 32″ LCD TV with DVD/VCR player and also has a household sized kitchen area. A new front porch was just added in the fall of…
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Four bedrooms with 4 beds in each in this cozy cabin. There are 14 lower beds and 2 upper beds. Each carpeted bedroom area has its own bathroom and the entire cabin is served by a comfortable lounge with a cathedral ceiling. Ideal for small groups, couples, or families. The carpeted lounge area is 18′…
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