CAT Camp Autism
C.A.T. Autism is a short-term “respite community” within the Creative Arts (C.A.T.) Camp family that caters to families with children who live with autism or individuals who live with mid to high functioning autism. The camp seeks full-inclusion through the use of a “buddy system” to help campers with autism experience time for worship, rest, and…
Read MoreCAT Camp
Ignite Your Imagination! Discover your artistic passions and connect with a community of like-minded Christians at Creative Arts and Talents (C.A.T.) Camp. Choose from leathercraft, painting, wood burning, drawing, and more! Not an aspiring artist? We also have the Art of Adventure track that allows campers to explore the mountain and experience the adventure center…
Read MorePhotography
Learn how to master your digital camera and turn those good pictures into great photographs.
Read MoreCraft Leather
Leather woking is one of the activities included in Creative Arts.
Read MoreCrafts Tie Die
Tie die is a favorite activity of a lot of different camps. If you really love tie die then you out to consider Creative Arts Thing.
Read MoreNature Crafts
Most camps spend at least some time in the Craft Room at some point in the week. There are a variety of different crafts you could possibly do from witness bracelets to paper mache to tie dye. Nature crafts specifically use various items from nature and can come out with some really great end results.
Read MoreCrafts General
Most camps spend at least some time in the Craft Room at some point in the week. There are a variety of different crafts you could possibly do from witness bracelets to papier mache to tie dye. Come and see how creative you can be!
Read MoreFamily Kite Flying
Bring your family to Jumonville on Saturday April 2oth for a family fun day of kite flying and rocket launching! We will have kite kits available for families to build and decorate and then take for a spin in the air. You are also welcome to bring your own kite as well! We will even…
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