Angry Birds
Bring your angry birds game to 3-D life. This fun new camp games has been use for the last several years and combines “stuffed” angry birds & pigs, cardboard boxes, and a water ballon launcher. Let the fun begin when you start to launch the angry birds at the pigs. Warning… you have to provide your…
Read MoreDisc Golf
A year-round favorite is Jumonville’s 18 hole disc golf course. Our 9 hole course was just expanded in the late spring of 2014 to a full 18 hole course with official disc golf baskets thanks to a grant form the Fayette County Tourism Grant. Count the number of strokes (or throws) that it takes you…
Read MoreFishing
Come to camp and you can learn to fish. (And I’m not talking just about fishing for animals with gills.) God calls us all to be “fishers of men.” When you spend a week at camp you can sharpen your skills as a fisherman in both the physical and spiritual realm. Campers travel off-site to…
Read MoreTire Swing
Tire Swing The tire swing is a favorite of all ages. Who doesn’t enjoy a turn on the tire swing.
Read MoreVolleyball
Two asphalt surfaced volleyball courts and two sand volleyball courts are available for use by your group as long as the weather cooperates. Volleyball equipment can be obtained in the Jumonville office. Jumonville has both sand volleyball courts as well as paved courts that are covered in “sport court.”
Read MoreBaseball Softball
Our baseball/softball field gets good use in the summer camping program and is also available for your retreat group weather permitting.
Read MoreTennis
Four tennis courts are available for use by your group, weather permitting. A limited amount of tennis equipment can be checked out (borrowed) from the Jumonville Office by our guests.
Read MoreFour Square
Four square is a camp and playground favorite for many. There is almost always a game going. Join in a game and enjoy this “playground” fun!
Read MoreNine Square in the Air
Nine Square in the Air is one of our newer games and was a big hit the last several summers. It’s like a combination of volleyball and foursquare and is a very fast moving game that keeps play really moving. Click here to download a pdf file with instructions for nine square in the air.
Read MoreGaga Ball
Gaga Ball is a variant of dodgeball that is played with one ball. The game combines dodging, striking, running and jumping with the object of hitting opponents with a ball below the knee while avoiding being hit. The game can be played by a group of individual players or with teams, as well as in…
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