Adventure Center Back Room
Our back room of the Ben Cromer Adventure Center measures 35′ x 40′ and has 24 foot high side walls. There are two large 10″ square garage doors that can be rolled up to provide some great ventilation in the warmer months. Twenty-five different ropes are currently set up for climbing with varying angles and levels of difficulty for what is referred to as “top rope” climbing. Each rope has multiple climbs available and climbs are color coded by the color of the holds. Endless variations are available to provide for beginners to hard core gym rats. In addition to the “top rope” climbing activities, there is also a rappelling station where participants can learn to rappel or improve their rappelling techniques. Take your adventure to new heights by trying your hand (and feet) in our newest adventure activity.
Activity Details
Activity Type: Adventure
Location: On Campus
Cost: Fee for Use
Facilitator: Jumonville Facilitator Required
With dozens of climbs available, we have challenges for every level of climber, from novice to hard core.